Echternight with the GFX50S
Olivier Glod
I continue to enjoy Fuji’s latest little technological wonder tremendously. Unfortunately, I haven’t had much free time over the past couple of weeks. However, on one occasion I managed to quickly drop into Echternach for a couple of night shots.
With the 32-64mm lens mounted, I proceeded to my usual testing grounds: the LCE courtyard, as well as the old city centre.
While the camera and lens both performed brilliantly, I did long for a wider focal length. Ah well, the release of the 23mm is just around the corner… ;-)
P.s. Here’s a quick before (straight out of camera) shot vs. the final (edited) image. I really love how malleable these files are :-)
This is the straight out of camera shot. Actually pretty close to what I really saw that night.
Here's the final, edited image again.